Ledger® Live Wallet | Most Secure Crypto Wallet

Secure Asset Management: Ledger Live App allows you to securely manage your digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various other cryptocurrencies. Your private keys remain stored offline in

Getting Started

  1. Download Ledger Live App: Visit the official app store for your mobile device (App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android) and search for "Ledger Live". Download and install the app on your device.

  2. Create or Import Wallet: Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new Ledger Live wallet or import an existing one using your recovery phrase.

  3. Connect Your Ledger Device: Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your mobile device using a USB cable or Bluetooth connection.

  4. Access Your Portfolio: Once your wallet is set up and connected, you can start managing your cryptocurrency portfolio securely and conveniently using Ledger Live App. Explore its features, execute transactions, and interact with dApps on the blockchain.

Last updated